Monday, October 28, 2013

Drawbacks of a Blog

I think blogs are great! It's an awesome way to share your opinions and communicate with one another. But, there are some drawbacks.

The first would be that it can be hard to get people to read and follow your blog. You may only get a few follows because it is difficult to promote yourself.

The next would be that you may never get any feedback from your posts. People may never reply back to you so you are basically talking to yourself.

There is no instant messaging on here. If you want to have a conversation with someone on a blog, expect it to take a while because the other person may not read your response for days. You never know how long it will take for the other person to send back a reply.

There is no indicator telling you if someone you are following is online. On Facebook, you can tell if people are online because a column on the right hand side of the screen displays all the people that are currently online at that time.  Some times it is very important to know if someone is online so you know if they will read your message in a timely fashion.

Lastly, as with anything you post on the internet, it is very easy for other people to find out information in you which can be dangerous at times. You don't have as much privacy with things you share on the internet.

These are just a few things that are bad about a blog!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Linus Torvald

Linus Torvald is one of the most well know software engineers out there. He is known for creating the software program, Linux. He has his masters degree in computer science from NODES research group while attending University of Helsinki. Right after he graduated college, he started work as a computer programmer in 1997.

Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-computer operating system designed to be a free and open source software.It has been ported to more computers than any other operating system. It was first released on October 5th, 1991. It is used mostly for web surfing. Nearly 60% of all internet web sites run off of Linux. Linux is also used for networking and data bases because it is stable and reliable. Desktops and home computers commonly use Linux because of it's flexibility. Lastly, it is also used for scientific computing.

Some pros of Linux are that it's free, very stable, easy to install, harder to get attacked by malware, does not slow down over time, updating it is a lot easier, and a much more! Some disadvantages are many Windows programs may will not run on Linux because they do not recognize it. Also, there is a smaller number of peripheral devices for Linux. Lastly, Linux may be a little difficult to get used to because most people are familiar with Windows or Apple operating systems. 

Clearly, it looks like the pros outweigh the cons here for Linux. Linux is still very successful and after doing all this research, it’s no wonder why!